Fibromyalgia: Salve
“I've had fibromyalgia for 22 years & the pain has gotten worse lately. I was given a sample of the Pain Relief salve from someone when I was in a lot of pain 2 weeks ago. It started working immediately! I rub a little oil on my hands & the pain & swelling go down. I don't have to take pain pills with this.” Female (age 60s)

Pain & Mobility: Tincture
“It (Bloom tincture) has reduced my pain and increased my mobility tremendously.” Male (early 60s)

Pain Relief: Salve
“Im a 79-year-old man with extensive heart issues. I had a fall down a flight of stairs two years ago. I broke my collar bone, fractured several ribs and have lived every day with chronic pain since. I tried this to make my daughter happy, knowing that it "Could never work". I am so glad that she was right and I was wrong. This is the only time that I am able to relax, have little to no muscle and deep bone pain. I was your skeptic, but now I am your biggest believer.”

Pain Relief: Tincture
“I could not walk without crutches my knees hurt so bad. Now almost pain free. My back hurt for 30 years, now that too is almost pain free.” Male (early 60s)

Stress Relief: Tincture
“This was my first experience with CBD products and I am very impressed! It has really helped me to manage my stress levels better. I will certainly continue to use it and would recommend it to anyone.” Male (mid 30s)

Muscle Pain: Salve
“During an intense week of football camp, the Body Recovery salve worked better than Biofreeze, Bengay, or anything else I tried.” High school football player

Sensitive Skin: Salve
“Love the smell and feel. Love that my very sensitive skin does not react to these products.” Female (age 20s)

Pain Relief: Tincture
“Im shocked. I really didn't think this work; used narcotics in the past with little to no relief. This allowed me several hours pain-free.”

Stress Relief: Tincture
“I am really happy with the product. I do feel that it is helping me to relax and manage stress better.” Female (age 30s)

“I have used the Petmax for our 12-year-old dog. She made a 360 turn around in her mood and also help her get around better.”